Web3 is a collection of technologies that work together to build a decentralized web. What does this mean? If you’re unfamiliar with Web3 or blockchain, it can be hard to understand how these terms are used. And if you are familiar with Web3 and blockchain, then it’s easy to confuse them! So this article breaks them down one by one.

Is Web3 the Same as Blockchain

Web3 is not blockchain. Blockchain is just one of the technologies in web3’s toolbox, and it doesn’t even belong to that toolbox. Web3 isn’t a single thing; it’s many different things working together to provide you with a decentralized internet.

Web3 isn’t about blockchain or any other technology – it’s about accessing the internet without an intermediary like Facebook or Google standing between you and what you want to do online.

Blockchain technology has several applications beyond cryptocurrency, including use cases in identity management, supply chain tracking, data storage and more. Apps built on Web3 offer new ways for users to interact with each other online without relying on centralized servers or corporate control over their data.

Users in a decentralized web remain in control of their data and privacy.

As you’ve already seen, Web3 is decentralized and peer-to-peer. This means web3 developers allow the users to have control of their own data, including information about themselves—their identity—and can choose what to share and with whom.

In this model, the user can directly access content without going through a third party like Facebook or Google. It also means that personal information cannot be sold without explicit consent from the user (which would then be recorded in a blockchain).

The decentralized web is often called “Web 3.0” because it involves new protocols and technologies built on top of the existing World Wide Web using things like blockchain and peer-to-peer systems.

The most important difference between the current and decentralized web is that in Web 2.0, all information is stored in centralized servers run by companies like Facebook or Google, who act as gatekeepers to your data. At the same time, they profit from selling ads based on that data to advertisers or third parties.

In contrast, with a decentralized system, there is no central provider of services. Instead, people interact directly without any middlemen involved (though there still may be some sort of payment system).

The next version of the internet, Web3, will give consumers new opportunities for sharing, monetizing, and communicating their data. It’s being built with decentralization in mind by the web3 companies, which means that large corporations like Google and Facebook won’t control it.

The Web3 development wants to change this dynamic by controlling what content users can access online—and how much money those creators should make off their work—back into the hands of individuals who produce quality content (or create products or services).

While blockchain technology is often used in web3 applications, it is only sometimes required. Many other technologies can be used to build web3 applications. Web3 is a collection of technologies made by web3 developer roadmap that work together to build a decentralized web.

To understand why blockchain isn’t always needed, it’s helpful to understand how the internet works today and how it will evolve into Web3.


In the end, web3 is about decentralizing power and giving individuals and communities more control over their online experiences. It’s a much better solution than relying on large corporations like Facebook or Google to decide how we use the internet.


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