If you feel pain or discomfort chewing, then you might have a fractured or cracked tooth. Additionally, if you notice that you are sensitive to the food in extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, then you might have to book a dental appointment with your dentist for evaluation. If you have a fractured or cracked tooth somewhere in your mouth, be sure to see a dental practitioner as soon as you can because the symptoms associated with a cracked tooth are temporary and do not last long. This means that it will not be long before the problem becomes more serious and further develops into a more serious issue.

Although the teeth may be one of the hardest substances or part of the body, it is not totally resistant to pain and fracture. The teeth can crack, fracture, or even break when exposed to physical trauma. Unlike fractures that can be detected normally, this dental condition is not easily spotted because they are usually too small to be picked up by x-ray, and they do not only happen on the tooth but also beneath the line of the gum.

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The premolars and molars are more easily affected by cracked tooth syndrome; however other parts of the teeth can also be affected. The cracks are usually from the top part of the tooth and then progress in a downward direction. This crack begins around the crown; then it begins to affect other parts of the dentition like the root, pulp, and nerves. Although this condition may begin with just one tooth, people who suffer from it are likely to notice more teeth become affected sooner or later.

What are the signs and symptoms of CTS?

The signs of this dental issue are not always evident unless confirmed by a dentist, as it is often confused with other dental problems. However, certain people who are affected by it will experience discomfort when eating a certain food or when chewing in a distinct way. Note that there is no continual pain like in the case of a dental cavity or dental abscess, but the tooth can be sensitive to hot or cold food.

If a cracked tooth syndrome is not treated quickly, it can worsen and cause the tooth to fall out in pieces. Ultimately, this will lead to infection around the gum area of the tooth that is affected. This situation is referred to as a fistula, and it can be treated with antibiotics until the infection clears out completely.

Sadly, CTS is a tough dental problem to handle, and this is partly because it is not easy to identify because of the way the pain is felt. This can cause the individual to experience the symptoms for a long time until the problem is discovered. When it happens, you will be redirected to see an endodontist for treatment.

How is CTS treated?

Generally, it is best to seek help as quickly as possible because the longer you wait, the longer or deeper the fracture or crack becomes. Usually, the treatment for cracked tooth syndrome depends on the location of the crack, the size of the crack, and its direction. Note that the cracks can vary in size and depth, meaning they may range from a shallow depth in the enamel to deep cracks in the pulp and root canal of your tooth. When this happens, it means the nerves in the tooth have been affected.

If only the cusps of the tooth are cracked, then the treatment can take the form of crown replacement. This treatment method means that the tooth will be protected from further cracks by the crown and from infection.

On the other hand, if the crack or fracture has extended to the pulp of the tooth, it cannot be treated with a dental crown anymore but through root canal treatment instead. This means that after treatment, you will not experience sensitivity to temperature anymore, but you will still be able to respond when pressure is applied to the tooth.

In severe cases like a scenario where the crack has gone farther into the bone or root underneath the bone, no treatment can reverse the situation. The only treatment, in this case, would be to extract or pull the tooth out completely.

How to prevent CTS

Bruxism may not be a cause of CTS, but it certainly adds to the pressure applied to the tooth and can cause the situation to be more serious. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, especially at night, have your dentist design or prescribe a retainer that you can wear to bed every night. You can also wear it during the day, provided the teeth grinding is also a problem that carries on in the daytime as well, but know that it will help to relieve the pressure and discomfort.

Additionally, people who have had previous cases of root canal treatment or dental crowns are more likely to have cracked tooth syndrome than others. Be sure to see your dentist immediately if you notice any discomfort in the affected area or if there is any sudden sensitivity to cold or hot food.

If you think or suspect that you may be having CTS, see your dentist immediately and visit New Teeth Clinic Turkey the best dental center in Turkey for help. You can reach us at any time to book an appointment.


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