Hyperlipidemia is a condition that explains a grievous metabolic syndrome with no apparent symptoms of high cholesterol. Despite the fact that cholesterol is an important constituent of human cell membrane structure, still we cannot neglect the symptoms of high cholesterol by any chance.

In this article, we will be briefing about high cholesterol and the underlying problems that it may lead us to. Stay tuned for a simple guide on how to deal with the symptoms of high cholesterol.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol What to Know about it

What’s Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy organic compound that is usually found in three forms in our body.

  • LPL is low-density lipoprotein which is bad cholesterol.
  • HPL is high-density lipoprotein that is good cholesterol.
  • Triglycerides are also a type of blood fat.

Natural Levels of Cholesterol in Body

Generally, cholesterol levels vary from person to person depending upon their age group. However, for an adult we have the following estimated readings:

  • Total Cholesterol Level: Under 200 mg/dl
  • Borderline Cholesterol Level: 200-239 mg/dl
  • High Cholesterol Level: >240 mg/dl

What happens with High Cholesterol?

With high cholesterol, the body’s natural lipid or fat content rises up and it starts accumulating in the blood vessels and under the skin. By the time, this layer continues to be thick and puts a person at the risk of many other health problems. For example obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiac issues.

Underlined Symptoms of High Cholesterol

Apparently, it is a general observation that we have not seen any special symptoms of high cholesterol. However, we have concluded from the data obtained on high cholesterol patients that they have several features that they have in common. Some of such symptoms of high cholesterol are enlisted below:

  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Physical indolence
  • A fat-rich diet consumption
  • Smoking and Alcoholism

These all aforementioned symptoms of high cholesterol are not exactly the symptoms. Basically, they are the body ailments and lifestyle habits that can put a milestone in the initiation of a high cholesterol problem.

Lipid Profile Test for Confirming High Cholesterol

Since we have no such indications of what we call true symptoms of high cholesterol, the ultimate option we have left with is a lipid profile test. By this approach, we measure the levels of three types of body fats and conclude whether the person has high cholesterol or not.

When to Perform a Lipid Profile Test?

It is a friendly recommendation for all healthy individuals to perform lipid profile tests after every 10 years.

But for those who are already suffering from any type of metabolic disorder such as high BP, and diabetes, they must be serious. They should check their lipid profile after every 2 to 3 months.

Why Treat High Cholesterol | Risk Factors

As we know that we all have three types of lipids in our bodies. HDL is good cholesterol while LDL is not. The main reason behind that is, that LDL in high levels stays in our body’s blood vessels and forms a plaque. This plaque then hinders the blood flow in the blood vessels. And when this plaque completely blocks this passage, a patient ultimately meets a cardiac arrest or a heart stroke.

Once a high cholesterol patient has any sort of cardiac issue then it is almost impossible to recover. Unfortunately, many patients die every year due to heat stroke by neglecting the symptoms of high cholesterol.

Effective Tips for curing the Symptoms of High Cholesterol

Though high cholesterol can initiate severe health issues. Perhaps it is in our hands to treat the ailments and bring the cholesterol level to normal by practicing the tips given below:

1. Diet Control – No Fats, more Carbs

Whenever a person suffers from symptoms of high cholesterol, the key factor behind their ailment is their diet. An unmonitored and unhealthy diet not only puts stress on the stomach and digestive system but also on the overall body. And what if a person is a foodie and loves to eat more and more food?  There are more chances for them to develop fatty obese bodies with a high cholesterol problem.

Perhaps, you can control high cholesterol by reducing the fat content in your diet. Avoid eating deep-fried items and red meat. Instead of red meat, a shift to lean meat and fish (or other seafood items) for fulfilling the fat requirements of the body is a perfect option.

Another approach for eliminating the symptoms of high cholesterol is to change the methods of cooking. For example, we can turn towards grilling and boiling instead of roasting and frying.

Likewise, increasing carbohydrate consumption is good as well. It provides maximum energy of glycosidic bonds for cell functions when there is a need for energy and does not accumulate in the body like LPL.

2. Walking – An Easy Way to Burn Fat

It is very important to walk a few steps to let the food go down the esophagus. Then, our stomach will consequently digest this food for energy production and storage.

3. Exercise Routine

Nonetheless, an exercising routine can burn the daily consumed excessive fats. So, it lets us enjoy a healthy life without any high cholesterol problems.


In the end, we can conclude that symptoms of high cholesterol invade our bodies without our permission. But most of the time, it is our own habits that put us at the risk of high cholesterol and related cardiovascular problems that come with high cholesterol. However, we can easily treat this problem with appropriate treatment.



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